Gold mineworkers or their dependants, if the mineworker has passed away, may be due for compensation if they contracted silicosis or certain types of TB caused by their work at any of the qualifying gold mine, during the qualifying period.

Very important

  • A list of the qualifying mines can be found here;
  • Mineworkers who worked for mines that are not part of the settlement agreement, will not be eligible for compensation from the Trust;
  • Where a claimant who qualifies for a benefit but has worked at both qualifying and non-qualifying mines, he or she will be paid a pro-rata proportion of the full claim;
  • However a mineworker who qualifies for a benefit and worked at one or more qualifying mines during the qualifying period for 30 years or more will be paid the full amount of compensation due for the relevant class of qualifying silicosis or TB;
  • It should be noted that certain mines that changed ownership over time are qualifying mines only for those periods that they were associated with any of the six companies party to the settlement agreement.
  • Find out more about payment benefit calculations HERE.